It is not cloud storage but just a cloud storage manager .it acts like a file manager managing your cloud accounts .you cold crate cloud account in any cloud storage site or app. You can manage all of this using multie cloud. It act as a file manager youcan copy file from one cloud storage to Another for eg (you have one DROP BOX account and a GOOGLE DRIVE account like a file manager you could transpher your stored items between them) it bring a lot of cloud stors together and manage it at the same time .
Unlimited storge
File manager
File transpher
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Eacy download (it dosent matter which cloud you uploded you could download it from here)
If you have a 10 drop box account you could manage it all along with Other cloud accunts
You could add cloud account like adding a new folder
More feachers given below
MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission
MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
Multicloud is the use of multiple cloud computing services in a single heterogeneous architecture.
For example, an enterprise may concurrently use separate cloud providers for infrastructure (IaaS) and software (SaaS) services, or use multiple infrastructure (IaaS) providers. In the latter case, they may use different infrastructure providers for different workloads, deploy a single workload load balanced across multiple providers (active-active), or deploy a single workload on one provider, with a backup on another (active-passive).
There are a number of reasons for deploying a multicloud architecture, including reducing reliance on any single vendor, increasing flexibility through choice, mitigating against disasters, etc. It is similar to the use of best-of-breed applications from multiple developers on a personal computer, rather than the defaults offered by the operating system vendor. It is a recognition of the fact that no one provider can be everything for everyone. It differs from hybrid cloud in that it refers to multiple cloud services rather than multiple deployment modes (public, private, legacy).[1][2]
Various issues also present themselves in a multicloud environment. Security and governance is more complicated, and more "moving parts" may create resiliency issues. Selection of the right cloud products and services can also present a challenge, and users may suffer from the paradox of choice.[3
MultCloud(, a FREE and easy-to-use web app, supports for Managing Files and Transferring Files across Cloud Drives. Free provide 10TB traffic for data transmission.
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